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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fenomena El Nino

Most of you heard about it before rite??
Actualy the 1st time i've heard about this fenomenon when i was 13.
14 years ago if i'm not wrong.
i ada terbaca di website ni
bukan apa, tetiba je
nk write down pasal el nino ni kan
coz sejak 2-3 hari lepas
terasa sangat panas
tak pernah rasa panas camni actualy
weather outside rasenye x la nampak macam panas terik pun
tapi terasa bahang panas 
even stay dekat dalam rumah
itu yang wierd sangat tu
at 1st i thought i felt so hot juz because
i ate some popcorn on saturday night
mana la nak tahu kan...
kot kot la itu sebabnye
coz x pernah2 makan popcorn suddenly
rasa badan panas sangat
but this evening i saw a news on TV3
reported about EL NINO in Malaysia nowadays..
hmmm...now i know
not because the popcorn
but fenomena El Nino
is coming back to our country..

so we need to get well prepared
jaga kesihatan masing2
drink a lot of water
minimum 8 glasses per day
cewah...macam la i ni kuat minum air

ok lah...
akhir kata...
selamat beramal...

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