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Friday, April 22, 2011

Nutritious Breakfast Meals

its Saturday mornin'!!!!!! 
hati sangat senang..
no need to wake up early
no need to go to office
no need to freeze in the bathroom....ekekekekee (nampak sangat malas mandi pagi ini orang..haiya)
all i need to do is prepare a nutritious meals for hubby's breakfast
kasi hubby gemok sikit....
baru la "duduk sama tinggi, berdiri sama rendah" dengan i...
miahahahahaaa (style orang gemok ketawa nih)
okey lah...actualy entry ni saje2 jer...
nk share ape yg kitorang mkn tiap pagi weekends...but not every weekends la..

1 ~ Nasi Goreng Cincai
(okey x title ni??..kuikuikui)

2 ~ Gardenia's Loaf Bread c/w Nutella
(Hazelnut cocoa spread ~ sedap giler benda nih...serius i tell u)

3 ~ Hot Tea 

Hmm cukupla untuk kami berdua....
watpe mamam banyak2...
kang aku yang chubby...
hubby relax je...dia keturunan kurus..hukhuk
yang penting, ape pun meals yg i served untuk hubby
everything is perfect for him
biar x pandai masak...tapi jangan malas masak!!!!

last skali hubby shows his hand like this..

Thanks Darling.....muuuaaahhhkksss!!!
Luv you till death..♥♥♥

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